Wednesday, June 14, 2017

A Helmet Is Not Enough: Cycling Safety On Vt. Roads

From VPR

Roadways are shared spaces, and require awareness from all users.
Live call-in discussion: When you're driving, how closely do you pay attention to the shoulders of the road? Cyclists and pedestrians are generally aware of how vulnerable they are in traffic, but distracted drivers can forget to be on the lookout.
Vermont Edition looks at how drivers, cyclists and pedestrians can all do a better job of sharing the road safely. Our guests are Jon Kaplan of VTrans Bicycle and Pedestrian Program, and Jason Van Driesche, interim executive director of Local Motion.
Tell us your safety tips - post below or write to
Broadcast live on Wednesday, June 14, 2017 at noon; rebroadcast a t 7 p.m.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Burlington City Council Transportation Committee Meeting

From Local Motion
March 8th 2017, 2pm
The Transportation, Energy & Utilities Committee of City Council (TEUC) and Nicole Losch of Burlington DPW will present revisions to PlanBTV Walk-Bike and ask the TEUC to endorse the plan and recommend sending it on for consideration by the full City Council.

Join us at the meeting to tell city councilors you support on-the-ground changes in 2017 as part of Plan BTV Walk-Bike!

Info Here:

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Monday, February 27, 2017

Roadway Characteristics Survey

VTrans would like to know what roadway characteristics provide YOU a level of comfort while bicycling on Vermont’s State roadways? Wide shoulders? Low traffic volumes? Do the characteristics that provide comfort change in a rural context versus village centers?
Take the on-line VTrans On-Road Bicycle Plan Phase II ROADWAY CHARACTERISTICS SURVEY to let us know! 
As part of the planning process, the survey will inform the final evaluation criteria used to assess the comfort level of high-use/priority bicycle corridors. The survey closes March 10, 2017.
For more information visit the project webpage at
Subscribe to for project updates.
 If you have questions or comments related to this project, please contact VTrans Planning Coordinator:
Sommer Bucossi at 802-828-3884  or email

Katelin at Local Motion

Friday, February 17, 2017

Bike Registration Bill (H.46) goes before Vermont Legislature

From Local Motion
sq_snowy_statehouse_thumb.jpgA few weeks back, Rep. Cindy Weed introduced a bill in the Vermont legislature (H.46) that would require anyone over 16 to register their bike.  (You can read the full text of the billhere.) We've received a number of emails and calls from members about this legislation, so here's a quick post to let you know that Local Motion is on it!  Read on to learn more about our position and what we are doing.
Our position in a nutshell:  we oppose bike registration.  Why?  It doesn't do any good, it discourages biking, it creates unnecessary headaches for law enforcement, and it costs more to administer than it generates in revenue.  Here's an article that lays out the argument against in more detail. 
When we checked in with Sen. Dick Mazza, the chair of the Senate Transportation Committee, he said in no uncertain terms that he would not support a bike registration bill.  Given that it would have to go through him to reach a vote, that means the bill will not go anywhere this session.  (Though we'll keep an eye on it anyhow!)  
As Vermont's statewide bike and walk advocacy organization, Local Motion keeps close tabs on the State House.  Legislators increasingly look to us for guidance on legislative issues affecting biking and walking.  
Please email us with any concerns or issues you see at  We always appreciate hearing from our supporters about legislative issues that matter to you.  

Monday, February 13, 2017

Bikes on the Amtrak?

From the League of American Bicyclists

Have questions about Amtrak's bike service? This is your chance to ask it!

Amtrak will hold an open house at the National Bike Summit, where Summit registrants can check out train cars with different types of bike accommodations (bring your bike!) and ask questions of Amtrak staff about bike access, specific routes and stations, and how to bring your bike on an Amtrak train.

Image result for amtrak

If you will be at the Summit you can register here to attend the open House (and get a Amtrak Loves Bikes T-shirt)

If you aren't coming to the Summit you can submit your questions for Amtrak here-

Amtrak will give written answers to all questions and the League of American Bicyclists will publish answers on our blog. (for those asking questions, we can also send answers directly to your email if you provide it in the survey)

So ask your questions!!