We have embarked upon a process for refreshing the entire Cycle the City route with the support of JDK, Local Motion, BWBC, DPW and Parks and Rec. This refresh involves having JDK update the identity (logo, font, colors etc), the online presence through the Cycle the City page on Local Motions Website (http://www.localmotion.org/ctc/), new brochure/guide, map and rack card and new physical signs and stencil. All very exciting stuff. Essentially a total refresh of every aspect.
At present the Cycle the City route is not well known, although Chapin, Luis and others have been taking tours on it for years, and this is the opportunity to try and bring it to the forefront as one of our great cycling routes around Burlington!!! It is an amazing 10mile route that sees some of the best parts of Burlington…downtown, waterfront, New North End, Ethan Allen Park and Homestead, The Intervale, Historic UVM, the Hill Section, worker homes of the South End and the Arts District….awesome.
Today we received the first design plan back. JDK did a cool presentation and we dialed it down to our favorite with a little sign demonstration out front (as one part of the project).
I have attached the Cycle the City Presentation (edited). At this time we are looking for feedback on the identity. How the signs etc will look in terms of the way-finding details will come later but at this time we want to move forward on the identity bones…namely the logo, font style, icons etc. Color can and will be changed.
This is where you come in…if you are an avid designer or just think there are some things we should think about, please provide comments to me directly at nanderson@ci.burlington.vt.us if you have any within the next few days. Remembering that the only thing we are trying tofocus on right now is the logo, font, icon, color etc (Here is a cut out version of theCTCLogoOption, right click to rotate). Any suggestions, improvements, criticism etc is what we desire. If we hear an overwhelming reaction either positive or negative then we can always go back to the drawing board.
Thanks in advance for your comments. Our hope is to have the refresh in place by the end of October for some fall riding and maybe a big launch party and ride…fingers crossed!! Watch this space. We hope that we can refresh the route and help make it the most ridden route in Burlington (after up and down the Waterfront Path that is!!)
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