Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Your Voice Needed to Pass Bike/Ped Bills

From the   VBPC
Please send an email message this week to Fran Cerulli (FCerulli@leg.state.vt.us), the legislative staffer for the House Transportation Committee, in support of the following two bike/ped-friendly bills:  (Please "cc" your own representatives on your messages.)

H.209 and H.306

Here's the reason for this request:

H.209 is a bill which builds on the Safe Passing law of 2010.  H.209 has been introduced by main sponsor Rep. Jim McCullough after much leg work by citizen advocate Bruce Cunningham.  It mandates that a motorist pass a bicyclist (or other vulnerable roadway user) with a minimum of 3-feet clearance and with additional clearance as vehicle speed increases.  This bill will provide enhanced safety for bicyclists, pedestrians, and other vulnerable roadway users.  Here's a link to the full text of H.209.  Click on "Original Version."

H.306 is a bill which doubles the fine for motorists who speed in the immediate vicinity of a school.  The bill calls for the monies collected from fines to be dedicated to VT's Safe Routes to School program.  Currently, fines are doubled in construction work zones.  VT's children (and all others who use roads near schools) deserve the same level of protection.  This bill has been introduced by main sponsor, Rep. Mollie Burke, at the request of the VBPC.  Here's a link to the text of H.306.  Click on "Original Version."

In other legislative matters:  Many bicyclists are expressing concern about S.136, a bill introduced on the Senate side that requires bikes to be registered.  The VBPC's recommendation is to take no action as this bill is very unlikely to advance.  Instead, please focus your time and energy on helping to get H.209 and H.306 voted out of the House Trans Committee.  That's the critical next step.  There's lots of competition and your voice is needed to demonstrate to lawmakers that Vermonters care about bike/ped safety.

Thank you.

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