Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Vermont takes 23rd in Bicycle-friendly states ranking

From Bicycle Times

The League of American Bicyclists has released its latest Bicycle Friendly State ranking and for the sixth year in a row, Washington continues to lead the nation, with high performance in all categories. Up-and-coming states—including Delaware, Illinois and Arizona—charged up the ranking, shaking up the top 10.
The BFS program is more than an annual assessment. Throughout the year, League staff will work actively with state officials and advocacy leaders to help identify and implement the programs, policies and campaigns that will improve conditions for bicyclists. The ranking is now even more comprehensive, capturing more information than ever before and delving more deeply into the issues embedded in becoming a more bicycle friendly state.
Delaware took a leap in the 2013 ranking, moving from No. 10 to No. 5 in just one year. Also making a strong showing in this year's rank is Colorado and in the Southwest, Arizona moved back into the top 10.
For more on the Bicycle Friendly State Rankings, including individual state report cards, visit the League of American Bicyclists.

2013 Bicycle Friendly State rankings

  1. Washington
  2. Colorado
  3. Oregon
  4. Minnesota
  5. Delaware
  6. Massachusetts
  7. New Jersey
  8. Wisconsin
  9. Illinois
  10. Arizona
  11. Maryland
  12. Michigan
  13. Maine
  14. Utah
  15. Pennsylvania
  16. Virginia
  17. Tennessee
  18. Connecticut
  19. California
  20. Nevada
  21. Iowa
  22. Texas
  23. Vermont
  24. Georgia
  25. Rhode Island
  26. Idaho
  27. New Hampshire
  28. North Carolina
  29. Louisiana
  30. Missouri
  31. Florida
  32. Ohio
  33. Wyoming
  34. South Carolina
  35. Hawaii
  36. Mississippi
  37. Arkansas
  38. Oklahoma
  39. Montana
  40. Kansas
  41. Nebraska
  42. Indiana
  43. New York
  44. West Virginia
  45. Alaska
  46. South Dakota
  47. Kentucky
  48. New Mexico
  49. Alabama
  50. North Dakota

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