Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Complete Streets Report published, great success

"Americans who live in cities and towns, north and south, east and west, have a strong interest in ensuring that transportation investments provide for the safe travel of everyone using the road.
This report demonstrates an enormous effort to use Complete Streets policies to re-orient long-standing transportation policies so to better provide roadways that are safe for everyone and help communities meet a variety of challenges facing them in the 21st century. While opinion polls show that voters want infrastructure investments to create safe streets for their children, we know the commitment runs much deeper. Elected officials, advocates, and transportation practitioners have spent months and even years crafting each of the policies analyzed in this report." (Complete Streets Report, pg. 6)

Last week, we released a comprehensive report (.pdf) documenting the growing number of strong Complete Streets policies in states, regions, and local governments across the country.
While we always felt this report would be a welcome addition to the multitude of Complete Streets resources available to advocates, practitioners, and elected and appointed officials (and to those who wear multiple hats), we are grateful for the warm and wide attention it has received so far.
A cursory list of the many who took some time to note the report include:
The report was made possible through the donations of our Steering CommitteePartners, and Supporting Members.
Last week, we asked our mailing list to help us bridge a funding gap of $20,000 by June 30. Many already stepped up to help us continue our advocacy, training, and technical assistance work, and we thankful for their generosity.
If you care about Complete Streets — that is, if you care about safe, livable, green communities that provide multi-modal transportation opportunities for everyone — then please help us bridge our funding gap and make your gift by clicking this link today.

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