Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What bike/ped projects are most important to you?

From VTBikePed
Now, for the first time since 2005, a particular door is opening to provide an avenue to advance bike/ped projects. You can let decision makers at the local level know which projects are most important to you so they can consider your input prior to submitting a report to VTrans which is due March 1.

Background: Vermont has a number of regional planning commissions or RPCs. Each RPC has a Transportation Advisory Committee or TAC which assembles data on which bike/ped projects are most needed/wanted and then forwards that list to VTrans. Communicating through the TACs is the best way to let VTrans know that a particular bike/ped project is important to residents of a particular region.

The revenue stream that is starting to flow again is part of the line item in the VTrans budget for bike/ped projects. Applications for funding stopped being accepted by the Douglas administration in 2005. Now that such a long period of time has passed, the Shumlin administration wants to find out what has changed in the past seven years. Have communities re-ordered their priorities? What's wanted where? Sidewalks? Bike lanes? Bike paths?

Please take a few minutes to be sure that your regional TAC hears what bike/ped projects are most important to you. If you don't have the contact info for the TAC and RPC that represent you, please consult the list below. Thank you for seizing this opportunity to let decision makers know that the bike/ped community in Vermont is concerned, vocal, and vibrant. If the transportation planners at the RPCs don't hear from the bike/ped community, important bike/ped projects may be by-passed in the competition for limited dollars.

Addison County: Adam Lougee, alougee@acrpc.org
Bennington County: Mark Anders, manders@bcrcvt.org
Central Vermont: Steve Gladczuk, gladczuk@cvregion.com
Chittenden County: Bryan Davis, bdavis@ccmpo.org
Lamoille County: Amanda Holland, amanda@lcpcvt.org
Northeastern VT: Doug Morton, mmorton@nvda.net
Northwestern VT: Allison Stori, astori@nrpcvt.com
Rutland: Susan Schreibman, susan@rutlandrpc.org
Southern Windsor: Katharine Otto, kotto@swcrpc.org or Jason Rasmussen, jrasmussen@swcrpc.org
Two Rivers--Ottauquechee: Rita Seto, rseto@trorc.org
Windham: Matt Mann, mmann@sover.net

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