Monday, February 21, 2011

One Revolution to Start Compost Pick-up by Bike!

Yes, Burlington’s pedal-powered delivery service One Revolution is starting a pilot project to provide weekly food waste pick-up (and finished compost product return) by bicycle.
Tuesday February 15 marks the start of sign-up for their new compost pilot program utilizing One Revolution Cargo bikes and crew!  Service begins March 15, 2011.
This is your chance to not only reduce the amount of waste being trucked to landfill, but to reduce the amount of fossil fuels that would otherwise be used to truck this waste to landfill or industrialized compost facilities.
Revolution Compost uses bicycles to provide this year-round service and recycles your kitchen scraps into rich organic compost.
How it Works:
For a one-time start-up fee, One Revolution will provide you with a 3 gallon kitchen bin and compostable bag liners. Click here for details: Kitchen Container and Bio-bags.  Bio-bags are certified by the Biodegradable Products Institute and are accepted locally.
Your initial fee also includes a Rubbermaid 18 gallon sealed outdoor bin, labeled by us for Revolution Compost pick-up, for collection of bags and pick-up by us!
Each week with One Revolution bikes, and trailer in tow, they pick-up the filled compostable bags from their designated outdoor bin left by you on your porch or designated outdoor pick-up spot. For every 12 bags of food waste picked up by One Revolution you receive one free 20 ounce bag of Intervale Compost delivered to your door! For a detailed description of the fees click here: Fees
Pilot program pick-up is scheduled for pick-up on Tuesdays between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M.  You need only identify a spot for placement of the outdoor bin for pick-up and One Revolution will take care of the rest.
One Revolution will bring your compostable waste to places that want to make lots of compost. We return finished compost to you!

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